July 19, 2012

Cleaning Whirlpool Tub

Effective Techniques in Cleaning Whirlpool Tub

Cleaning Whirlpool Tub
Cleaning whirlpool tub is just like cleaning a swimming pool which needs an extra care so that it works well. Cleaning whirlpool tub is not like cleaning a regular bathtub because whirlpool tub contains jets which need to be cleaned.
When cleaning whirlpool tub, you need to do it properly so that your whirlpool tub can last long and can perform well. Cleaning whirlpool tub is not hard, but it requires you to pay more attention on it.
Now, let’s take a look at some steps when cleaning whirlpool tub:
  1. Start cleaning whirlpool tub by drained off the water to make sure that there are no more air induction. Also remember to turn the jets off when cleaning whirlpool tub.
  2. Fill your whirlpool tub with warm or hot water until it reaches the top of the whirlpool jets about 140 degrees F. You can check the temperature using a thermometer.
  3. Add 1 cup of bleaching product and ¼ cup of detergent powder into the hot water.
  4. Turn off the whirlpool tub’s jet and leave it for around 15 minutes, then drain the whirlpool tub.
  5. Fill your whirlpool tub with cold water and turn on the jets again for about 15 minutes to rinse out the whirlpool tub from any leftover dirt.
  6. Drain the tub again and wipe it with a clean and soft cloth to complete the steps in cleaning whirlpool tub.
Well, those are some steps in cleaning whirlpool tub. Cleaning whirlpool tub is good to be done twice every month. Make sure that you do the proper steps when cleaning whirlpool tub so that your whirlpool tub can last longer.