July 27, 2012

Child Hot Tub Safety

Protecting Your Hot Tub from Unwanted Guests

Safety barriers are a critical element in every hot tub or spa setting. Every year, thousands of children are injured and killed due to accidental drowning in pools, spas and hot tubs. For this reason, many states have introduced specific requirements for pools, spas and hot tubs regarding safety barriers.

Although these regulations differ among certain cities and states, the purpose of each one is the same. These regulations basically state that any residential pool, hot tub or spa must be enclosed by some form of barrier or hot tub enclosure in order to protect the safety of children and unwanted guests.

There are regulations stating specific qualifications for a barrier. Most regulations require the safety barrier to be at least 48-inches above ground. The barrier is usually measured on the side of the barrier facing away from the pool or spa. In addition, most regulations also state that no object greater than 4-inches should be able to fit through any opening in the fence or wall. A number of cities and states eliminate the requirement for a barrier, if the pool or spa is equipped with a hard cover that has an attached locking system. The pool or spa must be covered at all times when not in use.

The type of barrier you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the amount of money you are willing to spend. A brick wall will obviously cost more than a wood or wire fence, but it ultimately comes down to the personal preferences of the owners. Brick walls, wooden fences, barbwire fences and chain locked fences are very popular choices when it comes to safety barriers.

It is important to recognize that all safety barriers must be locked when unattended. Minor inconveniences can save lives of the ones you love and keep intruders out. A barrier that is designed without a locking feature does not comply with most regulations. If you are unsure of your city's specific regulations, contact your city council in order to receive an accurate list of requirements.